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Sky Calcio

Change the game

SkyCalcio and SkyCalcioShow represent in Italy the weekend ’must see’ appointment. With more than 120K users every weekend these formats quickly became over the years Sky’s driving engine, the unmissable show for the fan to get latest scores news, match analysis and tactical talks. And for Sky itself to promote its innovative a relentless attitude for disruptive quality.

International team

In June 2010, few weeks just after the studio foundation we embraced the challenging task of generating a strong new identity, by replacing the four-years-old one that by that time, was truly lying among collective consciousness. Thanks to the client’s open minded approach I decided to tackle the route of involving and collaborating with international motion artists between the most popular in the industry. 

High adrenaline creativity

We set the stage for the first time in Italy, of a full high-end 3D/live action graphics package executed by an international team but produced entirely in Italy. Bridging over the national context a visual and storytelling freshness and originality then unknown.

Majestic Stadiums and badges, joined with epic scenarios and environments, introducing the viewer to the weekly football sport entertainment appointment.

Into the heart of sports

Dynamic live action sequences supported by a strong storytelling conveyed to the format a level of energy, passion and commitment never achieved before for a tv format. The packages and identities achieved unexpected levels of popularity, driving the attention not only of the old subscribers, but especially prospect users.

Also thanks to these original collaborative approach, the studio reached notoriety, raising immediately among the most known at international level.  Being the first Italian firm to be featured on Motionographer, the pinnacle motion design portal and blog recognised worldwide.

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